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EXPERIENCE Project Closing Conference


We were delighted to host our online closing conference on 31st January 2023.

Participants had the opportunity to find out about new tourist activities, itineraries and events that have been developed as part of the project in Norfolk, Kent, Cornwall, Brittany, Pas-de-Calais and Compiègne and also learn how to develop experiential tourism - regions across both countries and beyond can take this tourism strategy and tailor it to their own areas to achieve sustainable economic growth. 

The event which was open to travel trade, tourism suppliers, destination management organisations, local authorities, and anyone interested in learning about experiential tourism was very well attended with 140 attendees. We were pleased to welcome attendees from France and the UK but also from Italy, Spain, Portugal Sweden, Turkey and Thailand!

The conference was split into 5 sessions throughout the day, showcasing the new activities, itineraries, events and new infrastructures and upgrades carried out by the EXPERIENCE partnership. 

Follow this link to access the recording of the five conference sessions.