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EXPERIENCE trained and supported local businesses, organisations and individuals to develop ideas for activities into unique autumn and winter experiences.

These were designed to appeal to visitors between October and March, thereby extending the traditional tourist season and bringing money year-round into the local economies of the project’s six areas across the UK and France.

Sustainable tourism

EXPERIENCE ensured that activities were demand-driven so that off-season growth in visitors is sustainable.

The project has:

Supported participants – ranging from well-established attractions to skilled individuals such as foresters and artisans - to create exciting off-season activities and itineraries for day and overnight visitors. These were new or adapted ideas ranging from traditional to quirky, as long as they were authentic to the area.

Offered training to organisations and people already involved in the tourist trade, as well as those with no experience but with ideas for appealing experiences. Topics included how to attract off-season visitors, accessibility and sustainability.

At the end of the project, the new tourism strategy and learning gained through EXPERIENCE was shared freely on our website, where it can still be found. This will enable regions through the UK, France and across the world to take our experiential tourism model and tailor it to their own areas.

Ensured that 33% of itineraries were accessible for people with additional physical or sensory requirements, with importance also given to the inclusivity of individuals and communities.

Promoted new experiences as individual activities and as part of themed itineraries for day trips or multi-day visits in a high-profile marketing campaign.

Adapted infrastructure for off-season use, such as adding lighting and signs or improving facilities.

EXPERIENCE aims were

To attract

11.3 million new visitors by 2023

To generate

€603 million of extra spending

To increase

visitor spending by 5% in the off-season