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EXPERIENCE off-peak, low-impact, slow tourism

Emerging trends in tourism

Experiential tourism is an increasingly influential trend in global tourism. The Covid-19 pandemic has left travellers seeking more immersive experiences which give a sense of adventure, discovery and culture.  Experiential tourism aims for a deeper emotional connection for visitors and supports more sustainable and low impact tourism.  


Active learning and immersive tourism

Experiential travellers immerse themselves in exploring local culture, heritage, history, art, and food. This is opening new markets and engaging new and diverse tourism providers.  Experiences can range from an artisanal butter churning workshop (French) in Brittany to cycling along Neolithic tracks across moorlands on the unexplored West Kernow Way in Cornwall 
This new consumer-led demand is the inspiration for the EXPERIENCE project which is driving new approaches and offers practical support to a wide range of stakeholders in six pilot regions in the UK and France, providing new ways of doing tourism for other regions. 


Economic benefits

The EXPERIENCE project is dedicated to growing significant numbers of low season or off-peak visitors.  Revenue generated will be fed back into local economies which help protect and maintain natural and cultural attractions.  As well as generating economic prosperity, the project aims to bring benefits to the environment and communities, and to mitigate any impact of increased visitor numbers.


Protecting the environment

The project achieves this by enhancing protected habitats, using low-carbon options, for example, solar, and automated lighting and heating, championing local suppliers to reduce food miles and opting for recycled materials for signs and surfaces.


EXPERIENCE will train and support local businesses, organisations and individuals to develop ideas for activities into unique autumn and winter experiences. These will be designed to appeal to visitors between October and March, thereby extending the traditional tourist season and bringing money year-round into the local economies of the project’s six areas across the UK and France.