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Norfolk County Council

Norfolk County Council is the lead partner for the project, and will draw on its vast experience in projects that both protect and enhance the natural and cultural aspects of this iconic county.  

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Agglomération de la Région de Compiègne

ARC will draw on its natural and cultural heritage to create experiential offers in conjunction with its other partners: national forest, royal and imperial castle, museums, festivals, all of which will provide unforgettable experiences.

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Office de Tourisme communautaire Baie de Morlaix

Baie de Morlaix Tourisme is part of this project to cultivate the unique assets of the destination and create holiday experiences around unusual accommodation at sea, exploring by bicycle, and the GR34 (Sentier des Douaniers – ‘Customs Path’), together with local partners.

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Brittany Ferries

Brittany Ferries' ambition is to reveal its fabulous destinations by offering its customers a global experience of sea transport, accommodation and activities based on the treasures of our regions on both sides of the Channel.

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Côtes d’Armor Destination (CAD)

CAD is supporting partners in the creation of new experiential autumn-winter offers and the launch of a dedicated communication campaign. The agency is co-directing the creation of the economic, social and environmental indicators for the project.

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Cornwall Council

Cornwall is a unique tourism destination with distinctive natural and cultural assets. Focusing on the Penzance pilot area, Cornwall Council will use its experience to help establish a year-round sustainable cultural tourism model.

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Cycling UK

Cycling UK is the UK’s cycling charity, and with its 140 years of experience is creating unique cycling tourism opportunities in Kent, Norfolk and Cornwall.

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Département du Pas-de-Calais

With EXPERIENCE, the Département du Pas-de-Calais is aiming to extend the tourist season by promoting experiential itineraries in rural areas and creating safe, designated walking and cycling routes that enhance natural and cultural heritage.

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Kent Downs AONB

Kent Downs AONB offers dramatic views, vibrant communities, a rich historic heritage and diverse wildlife and habitats. We work with many partners to conserve, enhance and manage this special landscape for everyone to enjoy for generations to come.

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Morlaix Communauté

Morlaix Community leads development of the natural sites Morlaix Bay and the Monts d'Arrée, hinterland, and several small towns in a rural environment. We have experience in rural coastal development and sustainable planning priorities.

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Office National des Forêts

ONF is aiming to improve reception facilities for tourists and work on accessibility and visitor experience to develop the quality of the offer at remarkable sites in the national forest of Compiègne

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Pas-de-Calais Tourism

Pas-de-Calais Tourisme prepares and implements the Pas-de-Calais Council’s policies for the planning, development and promotion of tourism. It supports major projects and professionals on ways to enhance tourism.

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University of Surrey

The University of Surrey will use its research expertise to help design and pilot sustainable tourism experiences, and will support the project partners to evaluate the economic, environmental and social impacts of the project.

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Founded in 2002, Visit Kent brings public and private sectors in the Kent tourism industry together. Through its ambitious strategy, it supports successful campaigns & destinations & is acknowledged as a leading tourism organisation in England.

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